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Histogram to compare both datasets:
European forest condition monitor: interactive map

Select parameter, date and region of interest:

Fine resolution: spatial resolution of 231 m x 231 m; loading takes time!

Coarse resolution: aggregated data 5x5 pixels = 1.2 km x 1.2 km; for fast ploting

For further information on methodology and examples on interpretation please see Buras et al., 2021: The European Forest Condition Monitor: using remotely sensed forest greenness to identify hotspots of forest decline. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12:689220, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.689220.

If publishing results based on the provided data download, referencing this publication is mandatory.

Coordination: Allan Buras (

Data download is only possible on country scale

Click on map or enter coordinates:

Select trend

Download trend of selected POI
Download trend of area mean


The quantiles are calculated from 2003 to the present year. Red means lowest greenness in all years, blue means highest greenness in all years.

The quantiles allow the ranking of greenness observations to be illustrated. This makes it possible to determine how greenness behaves on a selected date relative to all other years. The main aim of the quantiles is to show positive and negative extreme values, which can indicate particularly favorable (early spring, sufficient rainfall) or unfavorable (drought, late frost, calamities) environmental conditions.


The proportion represent the absolute deviation of greenness from the long-term mean in percent.


For fine scale assessments on country level please use the fine resolution data.

Winter rest

Winter rest = The average monthly temperature did not exceed 5°C, no greeness value was calculated.

Color scaling

The color plots are based on the colorscale made in R-coding: COLS_scheme <- colorRampPalette(c(red,orange,gold,grey40,grey40,grey40,dodgerblue,blue,darkblue))

Visit our website

For further information / overview of our archive please visit our website:

Forest Condition Monitor


EFCM Shiny Appbased on Dr. Allan Buras (, developed by Dr. Franziska Schnell (

Many thanks to Franziska Schnell and Mona Reiss for web-management and Wolfgang Kurtz for IT-support